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"The most effective system men's fitness for fighting cellulite is exercise, plenty of water and endermology. In good hands, this very deep massage breaks up the fat," she says. "Water keeps the metabolism flowing and men's fitness prevents the collection of fat in the first place. And when you're trying to get rid of fat thighs, eating lots of vegetables and fruits is the thing to do." Whatever the concern about the appearance of your thighs, routine exercise and a well-balance diet will go a men's fitness long way toward fixing it. And while you're working on your thighs, be sure not to neglect the lower portion of your legs--beauty experts suggest that you keep them shaved (for best results, use a vitamin E-enriched shaving cream as opposed to soap) to achieve an overall appealing look. Now go for it--and unleash your inner swimsuit model just in time for summer. COPYRIGHT 2001 Johnson Publishing Co.