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Other easy ways to burn the fat are by parking at the end of the parking lot (in a well-lit section that's not isolated) when shopping, walking to the office fat reduction in localised areas or the store, getting off public transportation a few blocks before your stop, and getting up from your desk during the day to stretch and walk around. Some women, no matter how toned their thighs are, fat reduction in localised areas are still plagued by cellulite--those worrisome fat pockets that resemble a cottage cheese platter just beneath the skin. If you're battling fat reduction in localised areas cellulite, you're definitely not alone. Many women have excessive cellulite in file thigh and buttocks area, explains Maryland-area dermatologist Lynn McKinley-Grant, associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Washington Hospital Center. "Cellulite is not a large woman's curse; it's very common because we all have subcutaneous [below the skin surface] fat," she says.