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Most injuries happen later in a game – you're tired body sculpture and go over on an ankle or a knee. If you were in shape, that wouldn't happen. Make sure you stretch properly after exercise. Stretching before hasn't been proven to body sculpture be that (effective), but stretching after assures that you don't tighten up and become restricted." DEAN WRIGHT, chiropractor "The knees are built to support the load they have. Look at how hard you jam into the knee. If you stomp into the ground when you're walking or body sculpture slouch forward so you're putting more weight on the front of your knees because your chest is collapsed or do violent stretches, those things exasperate injury. Don"t overextend stretches. Going gently so you never go into the red zone of pain will minimize injury." BOAZ FREEMAN, Alexander Technique teacher "Any sport where you have to change direction very quickly is tough on the knee joint, as is jogging on a very hard surface.