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In general, men usually store fat in the mid-section while women tend to store fat in their hips, buttocks and thighs, although some women have apple-shaped bodies (more fat in the trunk and arms compared to the legs) and a few men are pear-shaped (more fat in the lower abdomen and buttocks). You will lose fat in the reverse order that filipino news you tend to gain it. This is called the "first on, last off" theory. If you are the type who gets fat in the lower abdomen or puson when you gain weight, then that is usually filipino news the last place the fat will disappear from when you lose weight. Young people can usually lose weight and still look baby-faced while middle-aged men and women end up with gaunt haggard faces when they lose the same amount of weight. Women of Hispanic, Mediterranean or Indian descent usually store fat in the hips and thighs while women of Asian descent tend to store fat in their arms, waist and lower abdomen.