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(Do 15 repetitions on each leg.) 5 LEG RAISES (WITH WEIGHTS). You've probably seen lipids this move on the late-night exercise shows. It's a classic, but with a new twist. Fitness experts advise adding a weight bar to increase lipids the effectiveness of this exercise because it defines your thighs in less time (than doing the exercise weightless). First position: Lie on your side, supporting your head with your forearm. Next, extend your bottom leg and bend your top knee, placing it in front of your bottom leg's calf. Place one lipids end of a weighted bar on the inner edge of your bottom foot, resting the bar's other end on the floor. (Beginners can use ankle weights instead of the weighted bar.) Second position: Raise your bottom leg off the floor, using slow, controlled movements. Balance the bar on your foot by keeping your foot flexed and your bottom leg parallel to your top leg.