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Here are some things plump booty to keep in mind.To lose fat in a particular part of the body, say the abdomen or the thighs, overall plump booty body plump booty fat must be reduced. So make sure to do a comprehensive fat-reducing program that includes aerobic exercise, a resistance training program of some kind, eating properly to control unnecessary calories, and being as active as you possibly can in your daily life. You will lose fat from all over your body but unfortunately, you won't lose it equally. You have to accept that you will lose fat faster from some parts of your body compared to the other parts. You have to be patient about getting the results you want especially if you are a pear-shaped woman because hip and thigh fat is wickedly stubborn. You also have to accept that even if you are slim and toned, it is possible to have a small version of saddlebags, love handles, spare tire, lower belly pouch or fatty arms.