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NEXT Shopping Spotlight IPOD NEXT site of the week site of the week OUT OF JOINT TO AVOID SURGERY DOWN THE ROAD, PROTECT PROBLEM KNEES WITH ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS AND LEG WORK BY SIBYLLE PREUSCHAT the human knee may be one of nature's most spectacular engineering feats, but that doesn't mean the gizmo knee arthritis always works well. It fact, it happens that this joint is one of the body's more sensitive mechanisms, easily injured and knee arthritis not readily repaired.Knee injuries come in two main varieties: cartilage wear knee arthritis and ligament tears. Cartilage keeps the bones sliding across each other smoothly in a joint. It can be worn down by trauma, overuse or misalignment in the knee. Dull pain around or below the kneecap that gets worse going up or down stairs or when you're bearing weight as the knee straightens is a warning sign.