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Bend your knees and sit back into a squatting position. For best results, keep your fatty acid analysis chest lifted and your abdominal muscles firm to support your spine. Second position: Keep your shoulders and hips facing the front as you straighten your legs and slowly rise out of the squat. Sweep your right leg across your body, pointing the fatty acid analysis toes of your extended leg. Hold your position for five seconds. Return your right leg to the starting position, squat and repeat, sweeping with the left leg. (Do 15 fatty acid analysis repetitions on each leg.) 3 LEG LIFTS. This is another thigh-toner that can be done at work. First position: Stand on your left leg (holding a chair for balance) and place your right foot behind your left calf. Bend your right knee and rotate your right thigh and knee outward. Pull in your abdominal muscles firmly toward your spine, keeping your chest lifted and your shoulders relaxed.