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Typically, the hamstrings at the back of blemishes the thigh tend to be tight. The quadriceps, the muscles at the front, tend to be weak. People sit too much and don't do a lot blemishes of quad extending. Make sure you don't lock your knees back when standing. To strengthen the quadriceps, put your back to a blemishes wall, your feet about a foot or a foot and a half away and, making sure your legs stay parallel, slide down the wall to a quarter squat. Make sure your knees don't fall inward or splay out. To strengthen the inner quadriceps, put a play ball or folded-over pillow between your knees and give it a little squeeze." KATHLEEN SHORTT, physiotherapist, clinic director, Physiotherapy on Bay "Glucosamine sulphate provides the ground substance for synovial fluid, the liquid in the joint between the bones. For people doing a lot or with a history of knee injury, it's probably worth taking 1,500 milligrams a day.