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"Liposuction boston whaler is a contour technique, not a weight-loss technique," warns Chicago plastic surgeon Elton X. Tinsley, who specializes in Black skin care. If you choose to work your way to shapelier thighs, there are some easy thigh-sculpting moves that you can do at work or at home. (Be sure to visit a doctor before beginning any new fitness routine.) In the gym, there are a number of boston whaler target-specific weight machines that can whip your thighs into miniskirt shape, so be sure to consult with a fitness trainer to choose the best thigh machines for you. Continue article Advertisement Here boston whaler are five manual thigh-toners that are guaranteed to give your lower body a good workout: 1 PULL-IN PLIES. A favorite among ballet dancers and fitness trainers, this exercise is designed to tone your thighs and burn the fat.