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The guy had a full head of hair, but kept it buzzed short. He told me that since he'd started reduce weight clipping it himself, his career reduce weight had taken off, and he'd gotten hired for several national print ads. I figured if a professional model can stake his career on self-cut hair, why the hell was reduce weight I still going to SuperCuts? Still, I can't bring myself to go for the full shave. The idea of shaving my scalp every day seems to negate the only real benefit of baldness: low maintenance. Am I wrong? Posted by LouSchuler at 09:15 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack August 27, 2005 The Tooth of the Matter For several years, back in the late '80s and early '90s, I played around with an idea for a novel set in the near future. Like many novels set in the near future, I showed a world in which corporations had more power than governments, the gap between rich and poor had widened to the point of establishing a de facto caste system, and presidents and governors were elected more for their entertainment value than out of any hope that they'd actually be effective leaders.