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All in all, a completely satisfying health care fear experience. Unlike his actual illness. Read the whole thing; the next anecdote tract is even better. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to replace tract the batteries in my smoke alarms. (Thanks to RockHard at the JP Fitness forum for the deadlift video.) Posted by LouSchuler at 06:18 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack October 24, 2005 Cat Fight! Speaking as someone who's allergic to pet dander, this comes as good news: "There is a percentage of tract asthmatic cats whose asthma has been triggered by things people do, or possibly by people themselves," said Nicki Reed, of the University of Edinburgh's Hospital for Small Animals in Scotland. "Cats with feline asthma syndrome can be made worse by living in a household where people smoke, or where there are other potential allergens or irritants." It almost makes me want to take up smoking, just to make the little fuckers suffer some more. Posted by LouSchuler at 08:13 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack October 06, 2005 Heed the Birds I keep trying to develop an interest in bird flu, especially now that we know the devastating 1918 influenza epidemic started with the flying rats.