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Benen writes: Worried about the political implications, Gingrey added a disclaimer to his legislation, explaining that the health museum will avoid discussion of health-related issues that may be controversial, including shardlow "abortion, physician assisted suicide, human embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and even in vitro fertilization." In other words, we can have a health museum, as long as far-right activists are satisfied that shardlow people only learn about certain kinds of health. Maybe 2006 will be better. Posted by LouSchuler at 07:56 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack December 19, 2005 shardlow What the Dickens Is the Matter With These People? When I was a kid, I watched at least one version of A Christmas Carol on TV each year, and read Charles Dickens' original novel once or twice. As a kid, I just accepted one of the story's oddest conceits: that doctors in mid-19th-century London could somehow cure whatever it was that ailed Tiny Tim. But as an adult, I can't watch any version of the story without wondering what, exactly, was wrong with Tim, and what doctors of that unenlightened era could've done about it.