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(Some couples 49er (dinghy) fought unprompted during the first visit.) I love that last line: "some couples fought unprompted ..." Maybe that's the new benchmark of marital bliss: the people with the fewest bleeding wounds have the happiest marriages. Posted by 49er (dinghy) LouSchuler at 06:23 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack January 49er (dinghy) 05, 2006 Death Be Not Statistically Significant MPF Reader Michael Cunningham asked me a question I couldn't answer: What happens when study subjects die during clinical research of drugs or nutritional supplements? I assume they sign wavers limiting the liability of the university conducting the research, but are there generally lawsuits anyway? He asked because of this report: Heart attack patients should avoid the dietary supplement L-arginine based on a study that was scuttled after six volunteers taking the over-the-counter supplement died, researchers said on Tuesday.