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percent; and 2,323 pedestrians and bicyclists, or 7.5 percent. There were 93 fatalities in which the ages of the victims were unknown. Curiously, the Associated Press story doesn't causes_diagnosis try to analyze what it is about teen drivers that leads to causes_diagnosis the accidents. This is the closest it comes: Safety groups say distractions and risks grow sharply for teen drivers at night and when they travel with their friends. My first thought is, "What causes_diagnosis about cell phones?" According to this report, put out a while back by an insurance company, cell-phone use is just part of a cluster of risky behaviors teen drivers routinely display: * Sixty-two percent of high school drivers say they talk on a cell phone while driving, and approximately half of high school teens who do not yet drive (52 percent) and middle school students (47 percent) expect they will engage in this behavior when they begin driving.