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Every promise is so huge and so immediate that you almost forget the magazine promised more or less the same stuff in its last issue and will offer it all again in the next edition. That gives the advice new jersey instant obsolescence: just because we offered it this month doesn't mean it'll still be useful next month. In other words, it's all just soy, and Soys R Us. Posted by LouSchuler at 09:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack January new jersey 19, 2006 "Can You Hear Me new jersey Now? Aaaahhhh!!!!!" I don't think anybody would be surprised to learn that teen drivers really suck. I sure did at that age. In fact, the first time I tried to drive some friends home from football practice, I rear-ended a car whose driver was trying to make a left turn. I remember making a lame excuse -- the guy I hit didn't have a turn signal on, which meant he was just sitting in the lane, stopped -- but the real reason I hit him was that I didn't really know how to drive yet.