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Sometimes I'd spend hours being dragged about in the dinghy (pictured below - I'm the one calipers waving) Prior to Piggy, I vaguely recall sailing in the Florida Keys on our Catalina 22 when I was about three. The memories are very hazy, and some of them owing more to pictures I saw growing up than calipers the actual experience, but I do remember skimming over a shallow reef, feeding freshly caught fish to impatient calipers pelicans, motoring through mangrove-bordered channels, and wading ashore on a remote island only to be eaten alive by mosquitoes. Sadly, Felicity had to go when we moved from Tennessee to California, the inflated costs of Silicon Valley forcing us to live more humbly. We were fortunate to find several people in the Bay Area who were more than willing to let us use their boats, so parting with Felicity was less of a hardship. In 1985 I said goodbye to my dad and Piggy as they headed from SF to Hawaii. I wanted desperately to make the trip, but my mom was seven months pregnant with my brother and I was only 11 - too young, my dad said, to make the trip.