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For example, those who have fatty thighs in the front, or anterior, portion plump dj may also have fatty knees and calves, fatty inner thighs, and saddlebags. plump dj Saddlebags may also be combined with fatty outside thighs, and fat in back of the thigh. In short, a person with fatty thighs usually has un- sightly fat deposits in other body parts close by. UNCOMPLICATED PROCEDURE As in liposuction of most body parts, the operation to recontour the thighs is not complicated in the hands of the experienced liposuction surgeon. Using appropriate anesthesia, I make tiny incisions, plump dj each 3 mm. long (about 1/8 inch). I have previously discussed with the patient where those incisions will, if possible, be placed. It is easy for the experienced surgeon to make the incisions in body folds, or in an inconspicuous location, so that after surgery, the patient will be able to wear shorts or a bathing suit without embarrassment. I am always conscious of the fact that liposuction is aesthetic surgery.