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When she stroked the tops of her thighs, she felt wavy pockets of fat. Even the sides and backs of her thighs bulged. Christine felt that no matter how hard she worked on her face, hair, and make-up, no matter if her legs below the alertness knee were trim and shapely, her thighs still were the major detractor from her appearance. In my opinion, there is always at least one body part that dissatisfies patients. When I examine a patient in the initial visit to determine if liposuction can be beneficial, I alertness never have to identify that body part. alertness Patients almost always tell me what is bothering them, even before I begin the physical examination. Christine had worried for years about the way her thighs looked. Then she read one of my articles about liposuction, and thought she might benefit from the surgery. She was willing to take vacation time from her job as a hospital laboratory technician, she said, if having the operation would reduce her thighs.