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Two weeks after surgery: If your doctor has no objection, do the first three exercises at home, but wear ankle weights two to five pounds, as you can body fat percentage tolerate them. However, do not do Exercise No. 4 (half squats) with weights on. 5. Universal thigh rotation. Wearing ankle weights, lie down. Do a leg lit one leg at a time ... first, straight out; then, to the side; then, to the return position, and finally, to the floor. Do this exercise 10 times. 6. Scissor leg lift (one leg). Lie on your body fat percentage right side. Rest your body fat percentage left foot on a bench. Keep your leg straight. While still keeping your left leg straight, bring your right foot up to meet it. Stop. Rest a moment. Then bring it slowly down to the floor. Do 10 times. Then repeat, using the opposite leg. Do scissor leg lifts with both legs, 10 times a day (one set) two times a day.