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There can be several factors involved, including circulation, skeletal alignment and other sometimes hereditary, factors. Consultation with the doctor can help determine whether or not liposuction is an appropriate solution. WHERE FAT LIES Fat distribution throughout the thighs is most pronounced in four parts. physical fitness 1. Fat regularly deposits physical fitness on the inner thigh, the outer thigh, especially at the saddlebags area, and on the hips. 2. This patient shows extreme deposits on the hips, outer and inner thighs. 3-4. Another patient exhibits very heavy front thighs, and at physical fitness right, heavy hips and inner thighs. 5. Many patients have more than one problem area. For Instance, this patient shows unusually heavy thighs, upper legs, knees, and calves. 6. Male patient's body shows extremely heavy deposits at outer thighs, hips, front thighs, and upper legs, legs, knees, and calves.