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The consonants behind your name is really all you require. That's what we've sold America on. In fact, the market-driven, consonant-loving Americans cannot get enough of diet books written by doctors rowing they'd never want to look like. rowing Let's put this in perspective — that's like me rowing writing a book about becoming a Vogue cover model. Are all doctors like this? No, of course not...and those who have read my rants and raves about our learned physicians over the years will know that I place only about 85% of them in this category. Oh, okay...probably half or more. I'll have to think about it. Still, this brings us up to the point of this diatribe — the fallacy of the diet, and in particular, the one diet fits all, write-a-book-about-it mentality. The funny thing is that I've written a very successful book about...dieting. It even has the word I detest (diet) IN the title! For more, see my blog entry on why I opted for this route and get a good laugh. However, The Every Other Day Diet is 'not' your conventional diet,