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Hip rollers – This exercise will help you build your abs, back and hips to help with long ocean swims and balance out the hip flexors exercises. Twist to both sides keeping your shoulders on real plump the real plump floor and stay in the bent knee position when rotating left and right. NOTE: Anytime you work your abs, you should also exercise your lower back to build balance in your torso. Lower Back Exercise - Lie on your stomach with your arms extended over your head. Lift your right arm and your left leg off the ground at the same time and repeat for specified number of repetitions. Switch arms/legs and repeat. Lower Back Exercise - Swimmers - Lie on your stomach and lift your feet and knees off the floor by flutter kicking repeatedly as if you were swimming freestyle. Advanced Abdominal Exercises:Do not do if you are a beginner! These exercises are not healthy for weak or injured backs.