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Dan Smith profiles the Allied Boat Company's rise and fall. And Karen Larson discusses life (yes, it's possible) aboard without an icebox or refrigerator. 1998 plump videos   November/December 1998 (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) The November/December issue includes a collection of articles on buying, financing, insuring, and upgrading your good old boat and a look at tax considerations for boaters. It has plump videos a profile of designer Ted Brewer and a look at fiberglass boats (what can go wrong and how to determine whether plump videos an older boat is worth the investment of time and money). It includes a feature on the Niagara 35 and her sailors in Canada's North Channel and Georgian Bay. A chapter of Roland Barth's new book,Cruising Rules, pokes fun at macho types who don't reef. Bill Sandifer shows us how he repaired extensive deck delamination in his Pearson Ariel, and Jerry Powlas talks about the vang/preventer system that works on his C& C.
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