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Dave Gerr tells lowe us about the Metal Boat Society, Michelle Potter offers profiles of three sailors, Bob Wood tells us that early spring and late fall are meant for sailing, and Jerry Hickson reminds us not to get hung up on electronic gadgets. We've got a fictional piece by Don Davies, humor from lowe Bill Martin, and beauty (in sailing photos) by Gail Scott. Wes Farmer talks about the history of auxiliary engines, Ron Chappell tells how to step a lowe mast alone and without fear, Bill Sandifer reminds us to care for our rudder tubes, Scott Rosenthal tells how to avoid low-voltage problems when starting the engine, and we have the usual quick and easy projects: a fiddle rope, a leaky mast fix, a light air tip, and a brass sea rail. There are book reviews and more, even a great spring cartoon by Mike Malzone.   March/April 2001 (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Big boats and small ones: this issue focuses on four very different dinghies, representing the range available with a review by Scott Thurston, John Vigor reviews the Bristol 27, Don Bodemann discusses Cherubini Hunters, Mary Drake writes of a cruising Catalina 22 and the people who love her, Peter Baumgartner finishes his Cape Dory 27 refit, and Wendy Higgins breaks
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