May/June 2000 (NO LONGER h_keywords fatty ass

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May/June 2000 (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) The May/June issue focuses on the Morgan 38 and the Pearson Triton as its feature fatty ass and review boats, takes a look at the positive fatty ass aspects of having a fatty ass wooden boat, and discusses the pros and cons of traditional and inflatable dinghies. Ted Brewer discusses the rating rules that have affected the design of our good old boats, Ken Textor adds varnishing tips, and Dave Reiss tells of his Pearson 26 refit. This issue has several "Reese's pieces" from Reese Palley -- a poem about the colors of sailing, accompanied by photos by Pat Vojtech, and a look at three boats Reese selects as "classic American sailboats:" a Hinckley Bermuda 40, the Valiant 40, and the Cherubini 44. Bristol Bronze is featured as a "good old vendor." Mary Jane Hayes tells of being a reluctant sailor and how she got beyond that.
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