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as long as your doctor knows what he or she is doing. Key info: "The researchers studied 90 chronic sinus infection sufferers over a seven-year period. Bacteria cultures were used to measure laminate changes in each patient's level of antibiotic resistance. "Most of the laminate patients were treated using 'culture-directed therapy,' in which doctors performed a laminate minimally invasive procedure to make sure the infection was caused by bacteria. The doctors also identified the specific type of bacteria so a targeted antibiotic could be used rather than a general one. "No statistically significant increase in levels of bacteria-resistant organisms occurred in the patients during the study period." Turn off the tap Here's something I didn't know: Most sinus problems aren't true sinus infections. And one thing I learned last winter: At the first sign of swelling in the sinus passages, take ibuprofen. If you reduce the inflammation, you reduce the places where fluid can build up and bacteria can fester.