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"The participants were also asked about their coffee drinking habits. "It found men who drank more than 200ml of coffee a cellulitecream day had 30 percent higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and 3 percent higher white blood cell counts -- cellulitecream both indicators of cardiovascular inflammation -- than those who did not drink coffee. "Women had 38 percent higher CRP and 4 percent higher white blood cell counts. "The report did not identify which coffee ingredients caused the increased risk but [the study's lead author] said the suspicion was that cafestol and kahweol, found in unfiltered coffee, were cellulitecream to blame. "Cafestol and Kahweol have been linked to high cholesterol levels." So maybe the next time you go to that drive-through for your morning-commute coffee, you should adjust your order a bit: "I'll have a cup of Joe with a toe tag." Or: "Double mocha latte and a defibrillator." Or: "Half caf, half decaf, and please notify my next of kin." Posted by LouSchuler at 06:01 AM October 20, 2004 Two-For-One Specials What are the odds that news like this would come in threes?