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"Some heavy gamblers have withdrawal problems, he writes. One study found 65 percent of pathological gamblers got at least one physical problem when they stopped." Posted by LouSchuler at 08:24 AM October 21, 2004 Honk if Your Heart Is Failing Bad new for commuters: The pollution in traffic jams can cause a heart attack. And it doesn't matter if you're the driver, passenger, or the guy riding his bike to work. The grisly details: "Dr. Peter H. Stone, who men’s health wrote an accompanying editorial, said the evidence men’s health pointed clearly men’s health to air pollution as the villain, rather than other factors such as the stress of driving. "'The clever design of this particular study was to look not only at drivers, who have the most stress, but also at passengers in streetcars and bicycle riders,' said Stone, who is director of the clinical trials center at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.