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But a 2003 study from the Boston University school of medicine might be closer to the truth. It found that as autism diagnoses have risen 25 percent per year in the United States, reports of other behavioral disorders have fallen by 20 percent. In other words, a generation ago a kid who showed academic ability but couldn't seem to control his emotions or follow rules might've been classified as having an "oppositional-defiant" disorder. A boy diagram with an all-consuming interest in one subject -- a hallmark of Asperger's -- might've been diagram given the "obsessive-compulsive" tag. (Or maybe just diagram "hobbyist.") Today, both conditions might be lumped under the heading "autistic." My personal belief is that my son's autism has deep genetic roots. My family has a long history of mental illness, mostly undiagnosed or misdiagnosed or ignored. I've written a lot about my own attention-deficit disorder, and I've mentioned that my grandfather, Frederick Schuler, was thrown in a mental institution in his mid-30s and never let out.