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The gamblers also made more impulse-control errors on another abdominal task, say Manes and colleagues. The errors and poor choices are similar to those made by people with problems in the brain's prefrontal cortex, the researchers abdominal say. They note that they're not the first to suggest a possible link between gambling addiction and brain problems. This all sounds a lot like attention-deficit disorder, a condition associated with problems in the prefrontal cortex. (On average, those with ADD have a smaller prefrontal cortex than those who don't have it.) We know how to treat ADD, which, like chronic gambling, often has abdominal genetic roots. The treatments may be different -- chronic gambling can sometimes be treated with antidepressant medications, rather than stimulants -- but still, we're talking about problems that overlap, in terms of the parts of the brain that are affected in people who have these disorders.