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Bush, I made money on my health care in year one -- about a hundred bucks of tax advantage over what I paid out, plus another hundred bucks or so of interest. Sounds great, doesn't it? But the doctor repair knows she's in a unique situation: [M]ost health-care consumers are not like me. They have children, or untended-to problems, or aren't 33 years old, or need to lose a few pounds, or whatever. They have chronic issues related to age repair or infirmity or bad repair teeth or diet. They have real lives and real concerns that mean that time and money to go see the doctor whenever the feel like it is not easy. They're us. They're Americans. Follow the money I'm going to step out onto a limb here and say that, as an American, I think I'm doing things the right way. I'm married to and living with my baby-mommy, and we're raising our three children to be responsible and health-conscious citizens. We pay our taxes. We vote. We recycle. We participate. So I have to ask: If people like us are unwanted in the brave new world of HSAs, then why would anyone think these are something our government should be out there promoting?