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Although the study involved only women, the findings probably apply to men as well, he said. Well! Naturally, there was a bit of crowing from those who'd been calves skeptical about low-fat diets: "It was a mistake, and this study really confirms that it was the wrong direction calves to go for nutritional advice," said Walter Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health. "It did do harm. It was a lost opportunity. People calves were given the idea that it was only fat calories that counted. This should be the nail in the coffin for low-fat diets." Willett and other researchers fear that the findings will leave the public skeptical about all health advice, or will be misinterpreted to mean that diet and lifestyle are unimportant. A large and convincing body of evidence shows that eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in saturated and trans fats; avoiding smoking; exercising regularly; and maintaining an appropriate weight have a powerful effect on health, they said.