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"The superintendent, a big Finn, came and stood on the bank over us and said, 'OK, you bastards, the first man that raises up fat girls pics goes home.' " It was an ominous introduction to the difficult period ahead. "It took a war, finally, to get me back into fat girls pics boatbuilding.. Bomb target boats first, over at Harbor fat girls pics Boatbuilding Co. on Terminal Island. Then Vosper Victory PT boats for Britain, triple planked. They had maple plywood watertight bulkheads and triple Merlin engines—beautiful, big things. Then 138' minesweepers. My end on the minesweepers was planking them. Plank, plank, plank...you got awfully tired of planking. But they were fine boats, fir on oak frames. John Wayne's WILD GOOSE was one of them, converted over to a yacht." At the war's end, Lyle had an order for a 36' ketch of 24,000 lbs.
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