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A double-blind, placebo-controlled study indicated that bromelain, as part of an enzyme-rutosid combination, enhanced stocking knee function (Akhtar 2004). Science Moving Forward The science of bone/joint maintenance is stocking moving forward by leaps and bounds, and all of these remarkable findings have been made even more exciting with the development of softgel technology. Softgels provide a cutting-edge delivery system that preserves the strength of encapsulated ingredients while conferring greater bioavailability. In other words, less is now more. Softgel technology is completely natural—it uses no chemicals or binding ingredients—and the only stocking oil present is a naturally occurring soy lecithin oil. The recent discovery of this exciting new system—as well as the clinically verified benefits of joint health–promoting nutrients—ensures that we are well on our way to achieving and maintaining bone/joint comfort and function as we enter our golden years.