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Get a small note book, and measure the diameter of the following points on the body, every Monday and Friday. 1. Around the neck, with the tape on the third vertibra down. 2. Around the chest, tape over tummy tuck in southern california the two thingys tummy tuck in southern california *grin* 3. Around each upper arm, three inches above elbow. 4. Around each lower arm, two inches below elbow. 5. Around the torso, just below the ribs 6. Around the torso, over the belly button. 7. Around the torso, tummy tuck in southern california just around the top of the hips 8. Around the torso, over the bum *grin* 9. Around the top of each leg, three inches down form the *coff* *coff* 10. Around the knees, two inches above 11. Around the calfs, four inches down from knee 12. Around the ankles, inch and a half up from joint If your exercising really well, you should be looking at about an inch a month or so off of the larger diameters (in men, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) and on the joint sections all of the fat should go in about the first 2-3 months.