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If landau several areas are liposuctioned, it will take about 3 weeks for the majority of swelling and bruising to resolve. Some people with sedentary jobs landau go back to work after 4 days. If your job, however, requires strenuous activity then it may take up to 2 to 3 weeks to return to work. Cruise Plastic Surgery 180 Newport Center Drive, Suite 150 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949-644-4808 1- 866-GoPlastic (866-467-5278) info@orangecountycosmeticsurgery.com A Board Certified Plastic Surgeons Locator Home | Overview | Contact | Location | FAQ | Pricing Before & After | Face landau | Body | Breast | Other | Link-Exchange Cosmetic Surgery Site Index | Cosmetic Surgery Resources Links1 | Links2 | Links 3 | Links4 | Links5 Copyright 2003 Joseph T. Cruise, M.D. all rights reserved - designed & maintained by: 1EZ Consulting The Daily Static UF Archives Register Sponsor UF Ad Free Site Postcards Community Geekfinder UF Bazaar Advertise on UF Forum Rules & FAQ Username Password Create a New Account Back to UF - User Diary Index Project Weight Loss (Loss of Control?)