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Whenever you need to buy time for making such adjustments, move your rudder into the position(s) that settles thigh your boat down. Of course, the best scenario is to have one person at the wheel and another adjusting the rigging. The Creasys further describe thigh how their "boat was bucking so wildly" that their bow roller was damaged. This type of motion results from a boat falling off the waves. thigh When a boat sits in the trough of a wave, windage is reduced, causing reduced tension on the anchor rode and reduced drag from the para-anchor. As the boat rises on top of the wave, it is blasted by wind that can cause the bow to swing heavily to port or starboard ÷ especially if your boat is not balanced or your para-anchor is rigged improperly. The 40 degree swing ÷ which should be abnormal when riding to a para-anchor ÷ creates a great deal of force that quickly places tension on the anchor rode and maximizes the drag force from a para-anchor. The end result is your bow is jerked head into the wind ÷ an uncomfortable experience that can do damage to the vessel.