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So, class, what did we learn today? 1. Anyone who smokes is committing suicide, period. 2. Anyone who doesn't exercise regularly, formally or informally, is condemning himself to a shorter, more frail existence. 3. Drinking a few glasses of wine a week seems to help blood vessels stay more flexible. Plus, when your vision and balance lipids are going anyway, a little buzz just adds to the fun. 4. The Mediterranean diet still looks better than the alternatives: lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains; lots lipids of olive oil and other monounsaturated fats; some meat, but not a lipids lot of saturated fat. (Sorry, I can't pass up this opportunity to note that my coauthors and I advocated a modified Med diet in this one.) Posted by LouSchuler at 07:17 AM September 16, 2004 A Beer a Day ... Shocker of shockers, a study financed by Guinness and Labatt found that a beer a day can stave off cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and probably rotator-cuff injuries as well.