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Hard to say. And it's gratifying to see that of all fatty acid analysis these factors, the most important is exercise. Key graph: "Physical activity was the biggest single protector against death, with a 37 percent lowering of risk, while not smoking cur the risk by 35 percent, fatty acid analysis eating a Mediterranean diet 23 percent and moderate alcohol consumption by 22 percent." Another interesting bit: "Failure to follow the four healthy lifestyle measures accounted for 60 percent of all deaths and of deaths from cancer, 64 percent of deaths from fatty acid analysis heart disease and 61 percent of deaths from cardiovascular disease, the researchers estimated." Walk your brain The other big piece of news this morning is that walking seems to help prevent Alzheimer's. This comes from two studies, also in JAMA. Key graphs: "Women who walked 1 hour per week had a 20 percent lower risk of mental impairment than those who walked less than 40 minutes per week, according to a study of 18,766 elderly women conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health.