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(Thanks to Jeff Sells for the heads-up on this one.) Posted by LouSchuler at 08:29 AM September 23, 2004 Health Scare I guess it shouldn't be a surprise plump nudes to learn that the quality of health care you receive depends on the quality of the plan you pay into. Still, it's frightening to look at the raw numbers from the report, issued by the National Committee for Quality Assurance: * 42,000 to 79,000 avoidable deaths every year; * 66.5 million avoidable sick days; * $1.8 plump nudes billion in excess medical costs. The study also has some good plump nudes news. Key graphs: "The performance improvements recorded last year among the 563 health plans that reported their results were among the largest ever. These plans cover about 69 million people and represent a subsection of the broader health care system. On most measures, the performance of the system as a whole did not improve significantly according to the best available data. "On several key measures, health plan performance improved by 4 percentage points or more.