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Wow, nice! It was heartening to see that the town is taking steps to stop the destination mooring trade. After putting the boat away, we broke out beers for the weary sailors, and big Jay suggested that an awning might be in order. He was burning in the big hazy sun, and Tim and I were getting a bit pink as well. After a bit of rummaging about, I was able to improvise a crude awning with a very bright quilt that my great aunt had made some years before. We laughed pretty hard at how big un-yachtly the awning was, but we had to admit that it worked! Plus, it kept the other boats in the harbor from coming too close—perhpas they were afraid they might catch whatever lubberly disease we had! We amused ourselves with chat, and spent some time laughing at a bunch of local kids who were wakeboarding—poorly. They were attempting to jump the wake of the boat and clear one of the big mooring balls, but each attempt ended in a faceplant in the water.