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Another type II diabetic had a similar experience while participating in the trial. He went from being very quiet and introverted, to being much more extroverted, active and happy. Moreover, he was no longer lipomelt easily angered lipomelt or irritated and had much more mental energy that allowed him to keep up a grueling daily regimen without getting burnt out. On weekdays he'd go to work during the day, then work out and take care of his cancer stricken brother in the evening without breaking down mentally. These effects on mood must once again be attributed to supplying lipomelt the CNS with sufficient EFAs for both structural and functional needs, and the adequate conversion of these EFAs into the long-chain derivatives that predominate in the CNS, mainly DHA and AA. As can be seen from the table above, several participants in the trial also reported increases in general energy levels. We can assume that this is attributable to the same causes responsible for the observed improvement in stamina and endurance accompanied by decreased post-practice recovery time.