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This was a fairly recent discovery by Dr. Hokama get in shape at the University of Hawaii and was published in a couple of psychiatric/neurologic journals. The treatment is to stop ingesting the ciguatera toxin which, of course, means quit eating fish of all types. The toxin originates in the algae which get in shape is eaten by small reef fish which are then eaten by larger fish -- and larger get in shape fish, until you get to the tuna, or whatever fish is being caught for consumption by humans. So it's impossible to say which fish have it or which don't because the testing is difficult and expensive. It can even be in fish oil capsules. The diagnostic testing was actually done here at the University of Hawaii from blood samples from all over the country. They measured the levels of ciguatera toxin in the blood of patients with CFS, hepatitis, and controls (those with no symptoms) and found toxic levels in 97% of those with symptoms. The researchers are also suspecting links to Alzheimer's Disease.