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Like the Atkins diet today, pinoy it first appealed to the upper classes. The would-be king of France, the obese Comte de Chambord, thinking that he might some day be restored to the throne and thus need to mount a pinoy white stallion to parade into Paris, used the diet to get down to riding weight. German and French gentry took to it as well, along with affluent types in New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco, where the book was republished. Banting's regimen then trickled down to pinoy the middle classes. This it did for the same reason that the Atkins diet rages today: meat was relatively cheap, empire had broadened food diversity and stimulated consumerism in general, and health and fitness were becoming a religion in themselves. Then and now, the diet conjured a kind of imperial paradox: it was enabled by the appetite of empire, the ability to afford lots of meats - the same appetite that gave rise to "the evil" in the first place. Banting's greatest detractors were, as Atkins's are today, the medical establishment, which speculated that the system was dangerous and even circulated a rumour that Banting had died from his diet.