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Built by C.B. Boatworks of Maine, these boats are extremely tough and well constructed. Let us show you a boat that you will love, and that will make thoughts of a Boston Whaler and Grady White Boat a distance memory. BetterCare Boatworks - Custom Boatbuilding and Restoration Eastham, MA 02642 Tel: 508-237-2312 Email: Contact Us BetterCare Boatworks has extensive signs experience in building signs and restoring wooden and composite boats including signs our own design, the CORLISS 15, HAVEN 12-1/2's, various sizes and types of Catboats and other small craft. We build just one boat, our own design: the CORLISS 15, a wonderful 15' daysailer. The CORLISS 15 incorporates both modern and traditional methods and materials in her construction and is built to give many years of enjoyment & pleasure. Wm. Cannell Boatbuilding Co., Inc. - Purists Obsessed With Quality American Boat House 15 Atlantic Avenue, P.O.
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