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add to cart to full procedure list picture taking tips thigh and knee liposuction overview introduction to liposuction liposuction surgery removes specific areas of unwanted fat, especially fat that is resistant to a healthy diet and exercise program often combined with... tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction incision placement & liposuction surgery details several small 2 to 8 mm incisions are placed in inconspicuous areas that offer adequate access to the fatty areas anesthesia for liposuction tumescent, local with plump babes IV plump babes sedation, or plump babes general anesthesia surgical facility usually outpatient surgery center; hospital for large volume liposuction length of surgery 1 to 3 hours for thighs and knees; more for additional areas discomfort moderate what to expect after liposuction surgery discomfort, bruising, swelling, numbness, decreased activity, post op garment; back to work