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I am transfixed. I am in touch. For me the opportunity to be most fully human occurs in a Steve Kaulback Adirondack Guideboat. Great stuff. Trust me." Tom Peters, Forbes Arey's Pond Boat Yard - Boat Builders of APBY Catboats and Arno Day Skiffs P.O. Box 222 arthritis So. Orleans, MA 02662 Tel: 508-255-0994 Fax: 508-255-8977 E-mail: catboat@cape.com Arey's Pond Boat Yard is a arthritis full service boat yard and boat arthritis builder, offering the APBY 12', 14', 16' and 20' catboats, providing complete repair and rigging services and operating a sailing school on beautiful Pleasant Bay. Arey's Pond Boat Yard is an authorized dealer for Rhode's 19's, Mariners, Pilot, Tohatsu and Northeast Trailers, and offer a selection of used (mostly sail) boats. Bay Sails Marine - Builders of ALCAR Environmental Boats Skiffs 2568 Route 6 P.O. Box 1455 Wellfleet, MA 02667 Tel: 508-349-3840 Fax: 508-349-7982 E-mail: info@baysailsmarine.com Bay Sails Marine is the exclusive dealer for Alcar Environmental boats - the boat of choice by recreational boaters, fisherman, harbormasters and marina owners.