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Four of them. fat girls fucking Word Word McWordy Word. And don't get me started on that huge fat girls fucking ass.Diane Court: Big Poppa gave me some good candy. And by "candy" I mean drugs. And by "drugs" I mean catnip. Big Poppa is the only animal I might cross species for. Well, Big Poppa and Lionel from Thundercats.Good times, people, good times. We went down in flames, like a tacky cocktail. And it was awesome. Amen.olivia at 15:40 5comments Saturday, March 05, 2005 Social, Compatible, Sexual, fat girls fucking Irresistable Remember Take That? No? Well, believe it or not, Robbie "I'm totally heterosexual, looksee at these pictures of me with Rachel Hunter proving it" Williams was a teeny tiny little boy-bander back in the day, before he became serial-monogomist, occasional fatty, and wannabe-break-America-er.Anyhoo,
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