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Thank you, Ki Dear Ki, Thank you so much for a very interesting and informative website. I read through Chapter 5 and found that while I agree with much of what he says, there are specifics that I disagree with. I suppose the major point in that the research he cites was done on people eating the SAD (or at least a fairly meat-centered diet) and that makes emulsifiers all the difference in the world. emulsifiers Yes, it's true that extreme exercise creates more free radicals emulsifiers but if your diet is loaded with raw fruits and vegetables, you also have on board lots of antioxidants to gobble up the free radicals. I also disagree with his estimate of the max heart rate being 220 minus your age. Us really fit individuals make that rule totally useless. The last time I was at the Cooper Clinic (which he cites in his chapter), my max heart rate hit 192 and I was in my 60s.